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The recent appeal by Seán O’Mahony who has decided to volunteer for a year with a Catholic Youth Outreach program known as NET Ministries amounted to €980. Many thanks
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Tickets for our annual Silver Circle (Parish Draw) are currently on sale. Tickets can be purchased from the Parish Office & from the Sacristy. The Fundraising Committee are presently selling tickets in your area. Tickets are also available for sale at the Church doors after all Masses this Sunday. Your support is appreciated.
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Pope Francis challenges us to live just as God is merciful towards each one of us.
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Last week we invited you to write on a card at the Sacred Space words that come to mind when you think of Mercy. These are a sample of the words that were written - goodwill, kindness, healing, understanding, forgiveness, hope, compassion, love, openhearted, grace, tolerance, gentleness, blessings, welcome, thanksgiving for others, feeling loved by God and sharing. This week we invite you to write in the notebook a short story of mercy, i.e. when you have experienced mercy.
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The last remaining boxes will be delivered to households in the Parish this week. The amount raised in this collection in 2015 was €56,157. This fund has enabled us to continue projects in the Church and Pastoral Centre. This year we need to carry out remedial works to the roof of the Pastoral Centre. If you do not receive the parish envelopes, please contact the Parish Office. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
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should be returned to the Church or Parish Office. No persons have been authorised to collect Trócaire Boxes.
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We are intending to purchase a defibrillator for use in the Church. If there are Parishioners who have been trained or are willing to be trained for its use please give your name to the Sacristan or the Parish Office.
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The altar servers in St. Brendans were busy making models of bells (and other items) over the weekend during a training session. We wish to thank them and their leaders for all their hard work and dedication and look forward to having them serve as Mass into the future. |
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to Paddy Brosnan, our Altar Server at 9.30am Mass each day, celebrating his 88th birthday today! Enjoy the celebrations Paddy and best wishes to Paddy for the future. |
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The new Pastoral Plan was launched on Monday November 30th. This Pastoral Plan has outlined three specific goals for the next five years.
1) Develop welcoming faith filled communities relevant to the age we live in. 2) Enable people to deepen their faith and proclaim the Good News of Jesus. 3) Be a catalyst for compassion and justice.
Each of the three goals has a number of specific actions, so that the fruits of the plan are seen, not just in our churches, but also in our communities and in the lives of all who believe in Jesus. The full text of the plan is available on http://www.dioceseofkerry.ie/