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was a great success last week. We had 210 Transition Year students from Tralee in the Ballyroe Hotel. We had inputs from the SMA Team on Climate Justice, the Tralee Youth Ministry Group and Elma Walsh speaking about Donal Walsh and his message. The SMA Team spoke about their Thumb-Print campaign (picture below). Well done to all who were invloved.
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Bishop Ray Browne has announced a number of clerical changes.
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Fr. Patsy who has been in this parish for 10 years has been appointed to Ballinskelligs Parish as Parish Priest. We have been enriched by his ministry and we wish him well in his new appointment. | ||
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Fr Niall Geaney, a native of Castleisland and ordained with the Kiltegan Fathers. He was ordained in 1974 and has worked in a few countries in Africa including Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda and Kenya. He returned to Ireland in 2016 and was appointed as curate in our parish in July 2017. |
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The 2017 Corpus Christy Procession to Stack's Clubhouse on Sunday June 18th was held in glorious sunshine.
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People often experience that the Word of God in the bible comes to life for them when it is ‘broken open’ and shared in a group setting. This Lent let God surprise us as we open ourselves and reflect together on the Sunday Gospel. We will use the simple Lenten Resource outlined in ‘Hearing, Happening, Hoping’ available to download on www.killaloediocese.ie Join us on Wednesday mornings this Lent from 10am-11am in St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre.
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are associated with the Season of Lent. The Liturgy Group have prepared prayers and reflections to help us and these are placed near each Station. We encourage you to do the Stations of the Cross during Lent.
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We wish to welcome the return of Fr. Marijan Vukov, (pronounced as Marian Vu-Cove) who was with us for three weeks last year. He is a native of Croatia and is studying in Rome. He will be with us until October 3rd. We hope he will once again enjoy the hospitality of Tralee and Co. Kerry
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We were delighted that some of the Roses attended our 10am Mass on Sunday August 21st. A big welcome to the Roses, their families and all visitors to our town.
Some of the Roses (and future Roses) in the Parish Centre after Mass.
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Due to major repairs to the roof of the Pastoral Centre/Presbytery building during the next few weeks there will be some disruption to the access to the Parish Office and to the nearby parking area. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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presented a cheque recently to KACS (Kerry Adloescent Counselling Service) to support their work with young people. The amount raised was £642.50, from their recent cake sale. Many thanks to all who supported them.
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During the summer months, some estates organise an area Mass. The Mass is often held in the green area of the estate. It is an opportunity to bring the residents together for a Mass. It is also of benefit to have a cuppa afterwards, to have a chat and to meet new faces. Some of areas have an annual Mass and others have it occasionally. Some of the areas that have had a Mass in recent years include Stacks Villas, Ballyroe, Connolly Park, Cois Coille, Woodbrooke, Rathoonane, Mounthawk Manor, Ard Carraig/Leedale, Shanakill, Gort na Sidhe & Listellick/Curravough. Ifyou would like to have a Mass in your estate/area, please contact the Parish Office