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At present we are recruiting Eucharistic Ministers for each of the weekend Masses. It is a very important and practical ministry with the distribution of Holy Communion. If you are will willing to be trained and to be part of a rota, please give your name to the sacristan after Mass. |
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We will be recruiting Altar Servers in the next few weeks. It is open to any children from 3rd class and older. Forms will be distributed through the schools.
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The work in the Family Chapel will be complete in a few weeks so we have decided to suspend the Children’s Liturgy on Sunday mornings at the 10am Mass until the work is complete. Apologies for any inconvenience.
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Altar Servers
Anyone from 4th class upwards in primary school can be trained as an altar server. Altar servers receive training before they begin serving at Mass. There is a strict code of procedures for child protection and for good behavioramong the altar servers.
Baptism Group
The members of the Baptism Group visit parents of new babies in their own homes, and help the parents prepare for the baptism of their child. They also attend the baptismal ceremony, to offer support on the day. There are 11 members in the Baptism group who have been trained in this work.
Children's Liturgy Group
At the 10.0.0am Sunday Mass, children between the ages of 4 and pre- Frist Communion gather in the Church and go the the Family Chapel. The Gospel is explored with the children so they can hear and listen to the Gospel message in a way they can understand. Two members of the Children's Liturgy Group lead this every Sunday. The commitment is to be available for one Sunday in the month. The group of 8 meet once a month to prepare the readings and the roster for the following month.
This group of dedicated parishioners organise the collections each week at the Saturday vigil and Sunday Masses.
Contact People
This group of people is the link between the various estates and town lands with the priest of the area. They distribute parish literature and envelopes as well as representing the people of their area.
Liturgy Group
The Liturgy group is a group of parishioners who meet monthly to discuss aspects of Sunday Liturgy and plan liturgical celebrations. Special liturgies include the Mass for the Sick, Christmas Liturgies as well as Lent and Holy Week.
Ministers of the Eucharist
There are 76 active Eucharistic Ministers in the Parish. This ministry involves the distribution of Holy Communion at the Sunday Masses. Some Ministers also bring the Eucharist to the sick and house-bound on Sundays. Anyone interested in this Ministry has a short period of training prior to being commissioned . Once commissioned, the commitment is to be available for a Sunday Mass every 4 weeks.
Minister of the Word
Ministers of the Word, ( usually called readers) read the scripture readings at Sunday and week-day Masses. There are currently 55 parishioners involved in this ministry. The readers usually commit themselves to be available for two months every year, and read at their chosen Mass. Some ministers also volunteer to read at the week- day Masses.
There is a choir which sings in Our Lady and St. Brendan's Church at the 11.15am Mass. The Folk Group sing at the 12.30pm Mass on Sundays. Congregational singing takes place at the 6.30pm Vigil Mass on Saturday evenings, led by a cantor. Again, new singing leaders are always welcome.
Parish Pastoral Council
This group of eight people meet monthly with the priests and Sr. de Lourdes. Their task is to look at the needs of the parish and how best those needs can be met.