12196027 983298695060029 4680484897164136071 n

Last week marked the 45th anniversary of the dedication of our church (Oct 21st 1970) and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of our parish (Oct 19th 1985). We remember all those who were part of these two momentous events and remember them in our prayers.

 12193573 983302035059695 2749769699373018715 n  12190007 983302148393017 7092668291964068877 n
 12193669 983302285059670 5717158689243981313 n 11220850 983302328392999 2810420041719420191 n 

The photos include the date of the dedication, the booklet of the ceremony of inauguration of the parish, the first PP, Fr Pat Horgan and his two curates at that time, Fr Michael Fleming and Fr Danny Broderick.