Here is a list of the groups that regularly use the Pastoral Centre. This information may be helpful to people who may not know about the various groups or activities.

Al Anon

A support group for families who are suffering from the effects of alcoholism. This group meets every Wednesday 11am – 1pm.

Back Care

The Back Care class helps with prevention and management of osteoporosis. It also helps to improve lifestyle and stability. The group meets on Thursday mornings from 11 - 12noon.

Breast Feeding

This is a breast feeding support group which helps mothers who wish to breastfeed. This is an ideal opportunity to meet others mothers also. The group is facilitated by a Public Health Nurse. No booking necessary; just drop in on Tuesday from 11.30am - 1.00pm.

Bereavement / Suicide Counselling

Available on request


The Parish Choir sing at the 11.15am Sunday Mass and practice every Thursday evening at 7.30pm.


Club Ide

An active retirement group which meet every Wednesday from 3 - 5pm for exercises, cards and dancing. They also organise holidays and others activities.


Folk Group

The Folk Group sing at the 12.30pm Sunday Mass.

Gospel Sharing Group

Gospel Sharing Group meet to reflect and pray with a scripture reading. Meeting takes place every Thursday at 7pm.

Legion of Mary

A lay catholic organisation. The meeting takes place on Monday nights 7.30 - 8.30pm. The members do some home and hospital visitation.

Mothers Prayer Group

Mothers prayer group meets regularly on Tuesdays 11 - 12noon.

Multiple Sclerosis

The meeting for people with multiple sclerosis is held every monday  12.00 -2.00.

Narcotics Annoymous

A support group for those who are overcoming addiction to narcotics. The group meet every Tuesday and Wednesday from 1.30pm - 2.30pm.

Parents and Toddlers

Parents and Toddlers (6 months to 3 years) meet every Monday morning 10.00 – 11.45am to have cuppa and a chat. There are lots of toys for the children to play with. It is a great opportunity for new mothers to meet and feel supported.


Gentle exercise class takes place every Wednesday morning from 10.00am -12.00 noon.


St. Joseph Young Priests Society

A Catholic lay organisation which helps support students for this priesthood through their prayers and financial support. The Society also encourages people to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Meetings are on the second Thursday of the month at 8 - 9pm.

St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul (St. Martins Conference) is a house visitation group and meet every Monday evening 8.00pm -9.30pm..



The class takes place every Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening. Kids Yoga Wednesday evening. 

 For further information on any of the above contact the Parish Office on 066-7125932