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In preparation for the Extraordinary Synod in October 2015, Pope Francis has invited all the members of the Church to discuss certain questions and give feedback. This is a wonderful opportunity to add your voice at this very important time. An open Meeting will be held this Sunday evening March 1st, 6-8pm in St John's Parish Centre. This invitation is extended to all.
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Confirmation pupils will take the pledge at Sunday Mass on Sunday March 1st. The pupils from Scoil Eoin will attend the 10am Mass and the pupils from Listellick and Holy Family will attend the 11.15am Mass. This is a challenging time for our young people. We continue to remember them in our prayers.
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The boxes of envelopes for 2015 will be delivered to homes in the parish at the beginning of February. If you do not receive the envelopes but would like to support the weekly collection, please contact the parish office.
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Mass for the Sick will be celebrated on Wednesday February 11th at 6.30pm. This will mark the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes and the International Day for the Sick. We encourage you to attend this Mass as we pray for our sick. We also encourage those who are sick or infirm or elderly to attend this Mass as well as those who care for them.
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Ash Wednesday will be celebrated this year on February 18th. Masses will be celebrated that day in Balloonagh Convent at 8am and in Our Lady & St Brendan’s Church at 9.30am.
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Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated on the week beginning on January 25th until Feb 1st 2015. During that week we acknowledge the role of our Parish Schools and the work of our primary school teachers in preparing children for the sacraments and for teaching religious education to the other classes. Their role compliments the work of parents and of the parish also.
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Once again, we are delighted to welcome Miriam Murphy who will sing with the choir at the 8.30pmMass on Christmas Eve.
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Our Lady & St Brendan's Church:
Christmas Eve: 6.30pm & 8.30pm.
Christmas Day: 10.00am, 11.15am & 12.30pm
Please note that the later Mass on Christmas Eve will take place at 8.30pm. Since the early Vigil Mass at 6.30pm is usually overcrowded we would encourage some parishioners to attend the later Vigil Mass at 8.30pm. Miriam Murphy will join with the Choir at the 8.30pm Vigil Mass.
Balloonagh Church:
Christmas Eve: Vigil Mass 8pm
Christmas Day: 8.45am
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Annual Mass for the Dead
On Friday November 21st, there was a large attendance at the annual Mass for the dead, especially remembering those who died since our Mass last year.
The Mass was celebrated at the end of a special week of remembrance as part of the remembering during the month of November. The Masses that week were very well attended and were a significant milestone for the month of November.
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"Stacks" success.
Congratulations to the "Stacks" who were successful in the recent Munster Final against The Nire from Co Waterford. The success marks the end of a long wait, thirty six years since the last Munster Final victory. Well done to all involved. Roll on Valentine's Day!!!